
Chris Basom

[email protected]
(800) 926-5905

Chris Basom is the founder of SmartCenter, a cloud software that helps tax professionals organize their practice and increase their revenue. Chris is also the Managing Partner of a Tax & Financial Planning Firm based in Southern California. With more than 30 years of experience as a tax professional, Chris knows first-hand, the dramatic changes that have taken place in the industry. Throughout his career, he has seen how emerging trends have affected tax businesses. Recognizing the power of technology, and excited by the opportunities it offered tax professionals, Chris developed the SmartCenter software to help to take advantage of emerging trends in the tax industry and better serve clients.

About Us: SmartCenter is a new cloud software to help you organize your tax practice and increase your revenue. The tax industry has changed, and your client’s are demanding more from you than ever. By using SmartCenter you can take back control over your practice. Manage client data better, provide additional services your clients want, and run your office like a modern tax pro, all from any computer by using SmartCenter.